Advisory Board

The Northeast Iowa Regional STEM Advisory Board provides oversight for the STEM regional network. The membership of the Board is comprised of prekindergarten through grade twelve school districts and schools, higher education institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, youth agencies, local and state government officials and other appropriate stakeholders. The purpose of the regional networks is to provide broader access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics educational opportunities and promote STEM economic development within regions and across regions where it makes sense.


NameHub Board PositionOrganization
Larry EscaladaHub InstitutionUniversity of Northern Iowa
Waiting for appointmentBusiness / Industry 
VacantCommunity College 
Bev BernsArea Education AgencyKeystone AEA
Jeannette Moore-LogginsBusiness / IndustryAlliant Energy
Marla LoeckeRegional Workforce DevelopmentIowa WORKS
Waiting for AppointmentSTEM Teacher 
Lisa ChizekSTEM Teacher/ParentIowa State University
Sue BurrackPrivate College/UniversityWaldorf University
Heather FransenBusiness / IndustryRSM, LLP
Kendra CrooksCounty Extension & OutreachIowa State Extension - Chickasaw County
Waiting for AppointmentStudent/Parent 
Anderson SainciSchool Board MemberCity of Dubuque
Waiting for AppointmentPublic University 
Waiting for AppointmentEconomic Development/Chamber of Commerce 


If you’d like to apply for this, or any state board, please go to the talent bank site.

Meetings Agenda/Minutes

Next Board meeting will be scheduled soon.

DateAgendaSummaryFinancial Report
January 9, 2025AgendaSummary 
December 19, 2024AgendaSummaryFinancial Report
October 10, 2024AgendaSummary 
August 7, 2024AgendaSummaryFinancial Report